If you are in need of assistance and prayer, call us at 847-628-5170. Please leave your name, address, phone number, and a brief description of your need. Someone will get back to you within 24 hours.
We are volunteers and use our personal phones and therefore block our numbers when returning calls. Please make sure your phone can accept blocked phone numbers.
Please call our confidential answering machine at 847-628-5170.
A volunteer should reach out to you within approximately 48 hours.
Visit our Facebook Page
Email St. Vincent DePaul Society at [email protected]
Corbella Clinic is a pregnancy medical clinic that serves women and couples during and after an unexpected pregnancy. We see beauty and strength in you, and we are here to empower you with information and support for making the right decisions for you.
The Diocese of Rockford invite all parishes to join “Walking with Moms in Need.” This parish-based process encourages connection between the Church, mothers facing difficult pregnancies, and local resources.
We would love for you to be a part of this ministry. It's easy. Join our Flocknote group and we will send you updates of events and important pro life information.
Have questions? Contact Rebecca Hendershott at [email protected]