The beautiful thing about our God is that there is always more. Literally. There is always more. The name we give to "more" is "discipleship," becoming a true student and follower of Jesus Christ. The infinite love, mercy, and peace that flows from Christ to us is never ending.God is calling every one of us to an authentic discipleship, following Jesus Christ wherever He goes.
Is God calling you to serve? We are really positive that He is, but the question doesn't end there. Don't ask if He is calling you, but rather...How? Where? With Whom?
There are plenty of ways to deepen your faith, your hope, your love. There are plenty of ways to get involved and plugged-in. Do not be afraid to take that next step! We are excited to see what gifts the Lord has blessed you with, the ways that you can meet the needs of your brothers and sisters. In all things, He is always right beside you. And so are we.